Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) 

The PLO formulation is a key component in educational planning in various study programs. PLO is a clear and structured guide regarding the qualities and abilities that graduates of a study program are expected to have. In the world of education, PLO provides direction for educational institutions and lecturers in designing curriculum, teaching methods and assessments to ensure that students gain understanding and skills in accordance with the study program objectives. Through PLO, we can identify what is expected from graduates and how they will be able to contribute to society and the world of work.

In the context of the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering study program at Surabaya State University (UNESA), PLO is an important foundation in ensuring that graduates have relevant competencies and are in line with industry demands and technological developments. Apart from that, PLO also plays a role in monitoring and improving the quality of education to achieve predetermined goals. With a strong understanding of PLO, study programs can continue to adapt to changing times and ensure that their graduates are ready to face future challenges. The PLO for the Undergraduate Programme of Electrical Engineering as follows:


Able to apply knowledge of mathematics, natural sciences, information technology, and electrical engineering to gain a thorough understanding of engineering principles


Able to apply engineering principles, identify, formulate and analyze data/information to solve problems in the electrical field


Able to design and carry out experiments in the laboratory/field as well as analyze and interpret data to strengthen technical assessments.


Able to design system or process components to be applied in the field of electrical engineering


Able to apply modern electrical engineering methods and skills needed to solve problems in the engineering field


Able to convey ideas and the results of electrical product innovation effectively both orally and in writing


Able to plan, complete and evaluate tasks related to the field of electrical engineering


Able to work in interdisciplinary teams to create innovative and effective solutions in the field of electrical engineering


Able to be responsible to society by complying with religious norms, professional ethics and being responsible in solving electrical engineering problems


Able to identify the need for lifelong learning in the field of electrical engineering related to current issues.

Regarding to the aspects of connection between PLO and PEO, Table 1 gives an overview how strong each of PLOs supports the PEO. The PLO is in line with the description of the 6th level (the level for bachelor education) of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (INQF), namely capable apply, study, create designs, utilize science and technology in completing procedural problems as explained in Table 2 and Subject Specific Criteria (SSC) ASIIN as shown at Table 3.

Table 1. Correlation between Objectives and the Program Learning Outcomes of UPEE















√ = support

Tabel 2 Program Learning Outcome (PLO) vs the 6th  level (the level for bachelor education) of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (INQF)

Capable of apply science, technology, and art within his/her expertise and adaptable to various situations faced during solving a problem

Mastering in-depth general and specific theoretical concepts of certain knowledge and capable of formulating problem-solving procedure

Capable of taking the strategic decision based on the information and data analysis and provides direction in choosing various

alternative solutions independently and in groups

Responsible for his/her own jobs and can be assigned to take responsibility of the attainment of organization’s performances











√ = support

Table 3. Program Learning Outcome (PLO) vs Subject Specific Criteria (SSC) ASIIN

Specialist Competences

The Subject-Specific Criteria (SSC) of the Technical Committee 02












Knowledge, understanding and application

  1. Graduates have acquired a broad and well-founded basic knowledge of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering, which enables them to understand and analyze complex phenomena occurring in electrical engineering, information technology or computer science and to independently develop and apply practice-oriented or theory-oriented solutions

  1. Graduates have acquired an understanding of the broader ethical and multidisciplinary context of engineering

Interdisciplinary competences

  1. Graduates can analyze and present technical contexts from their own and related fields in a comprehensible way

  1. Graduates are able to work on technical tasks in a team and, if necessary, take over the coordination of the team

  1. Graduates know and understand the methods of project management and economic methods such as risk and change management as well as their limits

  1. Graduates recognize the need for independent, lifelong learning and are able to pursue it,

  1. Graduates have knowledge of foreign languages relevant to professional practice

  1. Graduates are able to identify problems and solve them using various research and working techniques

  1. Graduates can work in an interdisciplinary environment

  1. Graduates possess social and professional ethical competences and are able to shape social processes critically, reflectively and with a sense of responsibility and in a democratic spirit

Job-related competences

Engineering methodology

  1. Graduates are qualified to research technical literature and other sources of information on problems posed,

  1. Graduates are qualified to design and conduct experiments and computer simulations and interpret the data obtained

  1. Graduates are qualified to use databases, standards, codes of good practice and safety regulations.

Engineering development

  1. Graduates have special skills in the development of analogue and digital, electrical and electronic circuits, systems and products

  1. Graduates are proficient in the use of the process elements modeling, simulation and testing in a problem-oriented way as well as their integration during development

  1. Graduates are capable of developing saleable products for the global market

Engineering practice and product development

  1. Graduates can apply their knowledge and understanding to gain practical skills for solving problems, carrying out investigations and developing systems and processes

  1. Graduates can draw on experience of the possibilities and limitations of the application of materials, computer-aided model designs, systems, processes and tools when solving complex problems

  1. Graduates know the practice and requirements in production operations

  1. Graduates are able to research technical literature and other sources of information

  1. Graduates demonstrate an understanding of the health, safety and legal implications of engineering practice and the impact of engineering solutions in a social and environmental context

  1. Graduates undertake to act in accordance with the professional principles and standards of engineering practice

  1. Graduates to transfer new results of engineering and natural sciences into industrial and commercial production, taking into account sustainability, environmental compatibility as well as economic and safety requirements

  1. Graduates to deepen the acquired knowledge independently

  1. Graduates are aware of the non-technical implications of engineering

  1. Graduates are capable of developing saleable products for the global market

√ = support