Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
The primary technical values are officially stated as the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs). These core values are formulated in line with the vision and mission of the university, engineering faculty, and electrical engineering study program. The formulation of these core values generally considers input from stakeholders, professional associations, and alumni. Electrical engineering graduates can work as practitioners, researchers, academics, entrepreneurs and technical consultants in national and global development with a title of Bachelor of Engineering (S.T.). We formulate our PEO as follows:
Ability to plan, design, construct, operate, and maintain systems using skills in the field of electrical engineering
Ability to initiate programs that can be implemented in the long term, both formally and non-formally including managerial, technical, and professional skills in the field of electrical engineering
Ability to develop leadership skills and communication skills verbally, in writing, visually/graphically and can participate actively in the electrical engineering community
Having a creative, independent attitude, and entrepreneurial spirit.
The PEO is in line with the description of the 6th level (the level for bachelor education) of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (INQF), namely capable apply, study, create designs, utilize science and technology in completing procedural problems as explained in Table of Correlation of Undergraduate Programme of Electrical Engineering (UPEE) PEOs and the 6th level INQF
Table of Correlation of (UPEE) PEOs and the 6th level INQF
*) √ = support